
Another glitch commonly abused by PROS

The ultimate secret to shaving seconds to build times

This is it: I reveal one of the ultimate code blocks for becoming a professional at Red Alert. You may already know it, or it may not be as surprising as you think. It might be totally new to you and it might be the key you need to increase your game by up to 200%.

What's the fucking secret?

The Speedy Power Glitch

You can cheat the power level bar.

That's right.

If you're fast enough, you can make the 3rd war factory without the power delay penalty, in addition to the already deployed war factory, ore refinery and barrack.

Can you repeat that please?

Ok, look at this build order:

small power +100

barrack +80

ore refinery +50

war factory 1 +20

war factory 2 -10

AT THIS POINT if you are quick enough, while the 2nd war factory 'deploys' you can click the 3rd war factory without the power delay penalty. Your 3rd war factory will be created with the same amount of speed as the other two. At this point now, you sell your barracks and recover green power levels.

How is this possible? The last function to be called in the war deploy function is to drain the power levels. This gives you a fraction of a second to click the War Factory button, while the other graphic processes occur.

Ok, can I really click that fast?

I do it all the time. It's so easy if you have the mouse over the War Factory and a good clear place to deploy. This is why thinking ahead in your build order is important and MORE IMPORTANTLY WHERE they will be placed.

What about if I don't want to tank?

Then it's even easier. You can make the 2nd War Factory without selling you're service depot. Sell your service depot after you click the War Factory button. This structure deploys a bit faster than the War Factory so be sure to have the War Factory button already in your reach, you don't want to have to scroll or it'll make you lose TIME.

That's the Ultimate secret to shaving seconds off of your build time. It would be silly to try to describe it in full detail, now that you got the idea you must go execute it in practice.

Try to always be aware of this mini-hack so that you can assure you maximize your building speed, everytime. Be smart and scatter some engineers so you aren't completely defenseless in a counter attack. This means take full advantage of the barracks while you have them, since you won't have them long. You can make all riflemen, all rockets, all grenadiers, but always make one engineer.


1 comment:

Claus said...

very nice sharing. gives also the major build order for tanking: p-b-o-w-(sell-b)-w-w-p/bp. But beware, if u play with notorious lagers hohoho lag and glitches are worst enemies xPPP