

Ever wondered how to improve your germany game?

Well, if you are Gravediga, then you are out of luck because...well, you can't improve your game anymore bro. We tried beating you.

Anyways, if you are NOT Gravediga, then you are in luck.

This is the secret:


When you chrono in the enemy base: First, deploy a War Factory and start cranking out tanks. Then, deploy a Gap Generator. Finally, sell your CY, replace with a fake and start spamming turrets.

If you're really crazy then you make 2 War Factories before the Turret Spam and alternate between primary War Factories. This means you are spawning one tank per second inside the enemy base. By the time they arrive, you might be up 15 tanks.

As soon as you make the first tank, select it and have it attack ore factories, power plants or construction yards. This will draw attention to it and if left unattended it will proceed to destroying that building. While the enemy destroys your incoming tanks (kind of like space invaders) you spam turrets. While you spam turrets, you select them and target enemy buildings. At this point, if you are Gravediga, the enemy will have resigned after a Helicopter Assault on your Construction Yards. If you are not Gravediga, then you still have bought your partner a good amount of time.

This has been a tutorial on how to improve your game as germany on infinite ore maps, by C|Squid_.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol Thunder had me crakin up reading that.. Flattered though really! gg wp