

The dumbest Newcomers tend to accuse people of cheating, when they are losing a game - to lose happens almost always, if really new. 

The clever Newcomers see the more experienced players as a level to get there, too. 

The upcoming Newcomers tend to play more often with Pros, to challenge their own development, see boundaries of skill and improve improve improve. Such a thing one could call: to learnlose

Even upcoming Pros have MegaPlayers as challengers of development - players of extreme experience and overall skill set like GraveDiga, ORA-AndrewFord, |NC|-Lauta, [x]Mafia, MutedCrush, pac|MAN|, [c]Beast and [c]Soul, [x]Ftr, RAM-yuzgen, RC_2g1g and more.

And besides overall skill set there are certain map-specific MegaPlayers with absurdly detailed map-knowledge like examply  d0pekillz @crates. 

But even the Megaplayers have Giants of Gameplay facing them - over 10 -20 years longtime-players and legends like Nastynate, Sol3|MAN|, Atom1-TA, RAM-katsh, robskate, herm and cousinehy (till last year, maybe again?) - all with very special trademarks, like inventors of styles to play: either tanking and Q or building or going hybrid or on standard_maps.

However, does this mean that LearnLosing ends at this level? Surely not. I remember last week, Sol3 telling me: "We lost cause my V2 weren't south but north." Ofc, there are plenty examples of situations, which went different from expected or some teaming didn't went hand-in-hand very well - and therefor: 

LearnLosing probably never ends! 

So what is the Moral of this (?), or how to learnlose besides saying GG after getting raped brutally by tanks or tesla - or both. Skip GoldRush or Rasta, skip WarTank, skip FFA arena games and learn something new: learn to tank, if ya till now felt uncomfortable with it and used merely tesla; learn to do hybrid and building, if ya only used tanks, but experienced vast losing in longgames; learn other maps like standards and difficult money maps with mixed or only either ore or gems - learn the build orders to maintain cashflow and learn the placements of buildings to get certain benefits. 

Learn to lose to Learn in losing. 

But Claus, i TRIED tanking and i tried the GoldMedalMap, but but but it is all to fast and too difficult and too everything - and besides that, i always lose my tank-groups and even the AI beats my ass up everytime. 

Well, of course the AI will kick ya ass the first 100 times of Goldmedal-trying. Maybe it will still do it the next 500 times again. But.... there is no But. The But is ya mental enemy. Try, fail, think about it, learn, stand up, do again, clickclickclick - repeat. 

To all the but-sayers or unsure people out there: Losing ya tank group means nothing at all. See a highlighting example of cousinehy losing his group 4 times in-between only 2:20 minutes of a game: (full video: Cousinehy 2x2 @p4) watch down, darker blue tanks: 

~ 3:36min




If cousinehy can lose his tankgroup than there is no shame in losing the tankgroup as beginning oftenly and not even as advanced tanking player casually sometimes! 

GG and Happy LearnLosing! :)



saladhands said...

Or...... if you keep losing your tank group......just beat your opponent without building any tanks :D

An example below by cousinehy

Unknown said...

hahahaha, true salad

Unknown said...

no mention of legend Kronic? :(

Unknown said...

Nice phrases/words:)Thats very clear article Claus ;)
Nobody dont need excuses for losing, no need to shame about that, just play and have fun and get experience and lose and try it all over. If you cant own and win in the GMC...what the hell... noone cares, that isnt that game point. Game point is to have a good time with your childhood game or like that. No pressure, dont need excuses...just teach to love that game...
If you are not "newcoming pro" who the hell is caring about that. Just have fun and rock xD ...
I hope I will come back to game soon and Have Fun! Cheers gl hf all pros and newcomers:)