

The GG-Mate-Award

Many Nominations have been made. The Finalists are those with more than 3 votes each, so u now can pick out ya most GG-Award-worthy Players above. 

Who was most kind, nice and helpful with a smile and gg-ing?

Cause more GG is better GG, u can vote multiple Mates ofc :)

Mentionable almost-Finalists and great pro-gg-ers are: cousinleigh, ORA-Sabs, abacus, |NC|-Lauta & SilentCrush. 

Vote vote and gg meanwhile. 


Anonymous said...

how does SilentCrush say GG when he is muted? haha

MVille said...

Has anyone who nominated Crush actually played with him? Most kind, nice, and helpful with a smile...and you throw Crush's name in the hat. This obviously isnt a real poll. Just saying.

Claus said...

well, crush got some nominations, but not many enuf to get into top-10-most-nominated ones. so i don't get ya complaint, cause the majority didn't obv nominate him. secondly, all who nominated him off played with him last and this year. so gg no prob either :)

Anonymous said...

We voted for Crush because of his video interviews, seems like a good guy (gg). Also his mute kinda makes him a RA anti-hero. #SpeakUpForCrush

TDS said...
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TDS said...
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Anonymous said...

my vote wouldnt go to any of these. Specially not to crush and cousinleigh. something is wrong with your list all semidickheads to total ones heh