
Winner GG-Award 2017

... the polling amongst the Top-10 most nominated took place the last 3 weeks. Many Players voted. Many Honor was given. Many GG was practiced. 

However, I said in the beginning: "Cause more GG is better GG, u can vote multiple mates" -- there was an alternative  voting option (for all those unlogged-in as anonymous) by the program here, of which I was unaware till recently: either to select another browser, or to reopen the site, or to go to another internet-connection/wlan or to use another internet-gadget to vote multiple for one person only. :)

Nevertheless, in order to restore this site´s aim of objectivity (if u leave the 2017 certified Pro-List beside^^) , happily announces the GG-Award-Winners in Silver* of this Voting:





Finally, to the one and only person, who completely owns it -  the GG-Award in Gold goes to:

Image result for gold medal 16x16|Unknown|_Newcomer

The yet unknown newcomer, who looses a lot, but stays willing to learn and paves his way of fame with sincere GoodGames. Someone is plays often, tries a lot  experiments deep, reads new stuff diagonal, stays straight focused - and gets constantly better and better. RedAlert has plenty of such newcomers at the moment. Good luck and GG for the future. 

Congrats for all winners :)



* It is objective, cause these Winners perfectly match the Top-nominated-list. :) Obviously this overall decision was discussed with the leading nominees in the voting before. 


Unknown said...

Congratulations for all nominees!!
Special congratulations for prof. Clausewitz!!!

C|ommander said...

Gratulation and GG to the winners! :)

TDS said...

Congrats guys! - ORA-boy

Unknown said...

wowowowo congrats clausi for the GG award you definitely deserve it yet a good action from you to give it for the newcomers not many can do that or understand it well, there's a reason why you're called professor hehe, was a close vote vs C|Kobra.

GG, no re.


C|Squid__ said...

Yeah, you're a pretty cool guy clause!

k0bra1 said...

GG all!

Two members of C| clan in top 4!

Well done!