Hi guys this is my first post as a page admin and I thought I would give a little lesson on player skill levels and how the term "Average Player" wrongly disappeared from the game. People think when they learn to tank and build a base that they are automatically "Pro" i see this alot and well its annoying. The way this game has become with unlimited ore maps becoming more and more popular that once people understand how to build a base playing the game becomes pretty easy when you dont have to manage your ore trucks at the same time when you're having a battle. I cant tell you how many times people have turned me down when I asked to play a game of Hatu, Hjk6, V3. They would rather play Rasta or Goldrush. And thats because they can't play the game and manage ore trucks at the same time and most likely have absolutely no knowledge of the keyboard functions. Here is how players have been judged since i started playing online at the end of 1996. Lets put Average back where it belongs.
1. Newbie - Someone who is new to the game. No knowledge of the keyboard, probably cant ally or build a good base, Ore truck probably drives 500 miles away from the closest ore. (It's okay we were all here when we first started.)
2. Average - This used to be a heavily used term back on Mplayer, Gamespy, Heat & Kali,. it describes a player who understands enough to join in on any game but they are a few steps behind the elite players when it comes to strategy, speed and use of the keyboard functions. Average players make up about 75% of the RA lobby. These are the guys who play respectable in 2vs2 but will only sneak a win 1 out of 10 games Vs. an elite player. Also their skills are often restricted to certain maps.
3. Elite/Pro - Knows all aspects of the game. Plays fast with little or no mistakes. Uses the keyboard quick & precisely. Hard to beat in team or 1vs1 games. Good on any map standard or custom.
alternative theory: only cro-pro-bro can pro-bro-call u so? :D
LOL ya 4. Must be aproved by croboys :D
Average is what I would call myself. I agree to many people are interested in simply winning, rather then playing. There is a difference, if you don't understand the difference, then perhaps it's time you put the game down for a bit.
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