
KOTG tutorial

Low resources. Close quarters. Almost immediate enemy scouts arriving at your base. What's a red alert commander to do? There are surprisingly quite a few options/build orders, even for such a small map.

Build ore truck before tanks? No, resources are sparse, but harvesting them faster is going to give your opponent a huge advantage if they decide to make tanks right away. If i saw a 2nd ore truck, i'd be just as pissed as if you stole a crate from under me. And swarm you!

Make tanks right away? Probably your best bet. I would 1 power 2 bar because naders are quite effective on any map especially when you get the proper flow of the X+S function (scatter and stop keys). If you aren't a good money manager yet, 1 bar for infantry is fine. Even if they are inferior to naders, you will still save alot of $ and not be at that much of a disadvantage. Some people silo after war. I don't generally. Wouldn't suggest building a service depot either. But hey, maybe Katsh is reading this. I'm sure he's found a way to win str8 cying on every map he has ever played. So in that case, if you are katsh, go ahead and serv! Depending onthe flow of the battle, alternate placing ore refines when you are almost broke or war factories if you are behind in tank production. And ABC. Always Be Clicking!
Plenty of times as well I have seen a side win by placing a lone tesla near the gems or in the middle of them. It's a sound strategy,if you have already taken away all the icons with wheels on them away from your enemy's sidebar with a well choreographed grenadier offensive. And had time to build an adv power right after your 1st war. And had time to build a tesla after that (which takes as long to build as a war/refine). So, a lot of stipulations to that strategy.
No matter your strategy is coming in, you need to break that wall and get those gems while the getting is good. This way in a long game you have your corner ore to fall back on. And, lastly, even more importantly than an unlimited ore map...don't waste your units. Being at only a few inf / tank disadvantage could snowball quickly due to the small distances between bases and swing momentum to lock the game up in the win column for your opponent.

There are 2 strategies that I personally prefer. 1) I call this the 420-Ryan kamikaze style. Pretend there aren't any resources on the map. Build pwr, bar, pwr, pwr, pwr, pwr...until you reach an enemy unit. Then build another bar (switch inf production to original bar near your cy if opponent tries to base trade) and get ready to spam flames / bars into their base and crush them while they are worried about
making refines and wars. Traditional map tactics of refine / war is overrated here. I'm telling you this strategy will work the most often on this map and you will be almost unbeatable after
practice. The cat is out of the bag.

Option 2 is my personal favorite. If you are a guest in a room with Keep Off The Grass as the map, simply click the small map in game room, select "Most Played Maps" scroll 6 screens to the right until you get to Break owns @ Crates v 2.0. Then make a suggestion to play this map instead. Conversely, if you are the host, just put this map up instead of KOTG. And change tech level to 0. Then you can implement my strategy of building without building wars, and have way more fun finding mammoth tank crates! Break assures you he long ago hacked the annoying sonar pulse, invisibility crate, and the exploding crates out of the map from v 1.0. So, it is completely safe and much more fun than ever!


Red Alert: Ford said...

Did you write this in 5 minutes? And did you use notepad for the draft? lol

Nice to see more map specific guides though.

break down said...
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C|Squid__ said...

Nice WORK Break. This post looks good maybe some screenshots would be nice...

Red Alert: Ford said...

lol all good, should be called KotG for Dummies haha

break down said...
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Claus said...

<--- THE (!) kotg-guide.

The difference of objectivity is hilarious, honestly speaking.

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