The HJK was originally created by DefMike* it consists of 6 individual pods. Players battle for the middle ore while being protected by ridges on all sides. The map is good for 1v1s and many play 2v2s on it as well.
Main Strategies for competitive 1v1s
Russia -> Build
Ukraine -> Tank
Germany -> Tank
Build order: +power, +barracks, +ore, +war, +service, -service, +war, +advanced power, +Tesla, - Tesla (After the opponent retreats, sell this tesla.)
Build order: +power, +barracks, +ore, +war, +war, -barracks, +advance power, +4 war
General tips:
First off you should make an ore truck along with the service depot. Be prepared to take some hits if your opponent is tanking you. It's recommended that you close your gate with 2 or 3 tanks for armor support; don't face tanks with only infantry, tanks buy you time. At this time, you can scout the map with infantry or pile them near the opponent's base to put pressure on his defense, you're making a defense anyways so you may as well buy yourself time too. Try to deploy your MCV as early as possible. Not deploying makes you lose time, as if it were still building, so there is always a high priority on MCV deploying.
Make a couple of silos to hold your ore. Adjust the straegy accordding to the opponent's reactions to your infantry. If he kills them and pushes more, reinforce your base. If he stockpiles near his base, then you can make an additional war factory instead of Tesla. After that, make sufficient units to protect your Ore Factories which you are supposed to crawl to the top left of the ore patches, including the middle one. After you've established a good base, stockpile v2s and ore. Use Teslas only if opponent is too aggressive.
MAP dynamics (Why Top Left is the most crucial)
"I've played games where my opponent is pretty even in tanking and building. What made the difference in the end was who could produce the most units and it turned out that it's the one who holds the most ore. When you expect the match to go on longer than a tank rush, then you should start to worry about finding and defending ore spots, especially the middle since it provides the most ore." -[AFO]THNDER
In this map, it's important to remember that ore trucks collect ore heading towards the top left corner of the ore patches. With this in mind, let's see how it affects your builds depending on your spot.
- In general, you're entrance should be well protected. Not so much exaggerating but enough to kill 4 or 5 tanks headed for your base.
Top Left: You have the build advantage. You are closer to the top left most patch of the ore.
Top Right: A good spot for tanking. If the game lasts slonger than about 8 minutes, then your trucks will need a new spot to harvest ore from soon. Consider inflicting damage to your opponent while looking for the next best spot to harvest ore.
Bottom Left: An excellent corner for building. If you are playing a 1v1 and you get this spot, your opponent is in the Top Right spot. This means that you have more than enough time to set up a defense for a tank rush and completely halt it. Also, you can crawl your build to the Top Left corner of the map.
Bottom Right: This spot is also preferred by builders, for it's south advantage. It's the furthest spot away from the Top Left gem patch in the middle. After you set up an anti-rush build, your next goal should be to stockpile some sort of unit (Heavy Tank, V2s, Mammoth Tank) while at the same time harvesting as much ore that is closest to your opponent. This strategy is called resource absorption, where you harvest all the ore and convert it to units at the same rate you harvest it.
*Thanks for info bart
I dont even know who created HJk6 and i was around before it was created
I dont even know who created HJk6 and i was around before it was created
only noobs use Ukraine on hjk. must be bart's 2 cents
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