
Sun Tzu's teachings about waging war

Sun Tzu was a chinese general who wrote a book titled "The art of war" 2, 400 years ago. This post makes reverence to this book in a RA context, whereby we may appreciate some of the teachings that the most powerful chinese general has for us. If you wish to learn more about the genius tactician feel free to Google his name.

In his book Sun Tzu says: "Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances."

Sun Tzu advises PROS to have a complete arsenal of strategies, but even more important, counter-strategies. However, in order for a counter strategy to be effective, you must first know the opponent's strategy. This can be easily detected by sending a scout tank to the opponent's base to reveal his strategy. The downside of the scout tank is that you lose one tank, the time to build it, and also something else. Because your opponent realizes you want to know his strategy, he or she might adjust it so you think it is what YOU THINK YOU SEE.

Scenario: My opponent sends scout tanks and reveals my strategy: Scissors. Opponent is encouraged to play a strategy better than Scissors: Rock. I take advantage of this information and change my strategy to something better than Rock: Paper.

Keep in mind that a scout tank is an advanced player strategy. How do you know if your an advanced player? When you can put tanks in one group and  infantry in another, coordinate infantry scouting, when you program structure deployment and it all becomes second nature to you this is how you know you're pro. This allows you to focus more on abstract elements of the game, like tactics. But first you need the basics.

sun tzu statue
Sun Tzu's Statue

In his book Sun Tzu says: "Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So in war, the way to avoid what is strong is to strike at what is weak."

Sun tzu advises PROS to strike always at the weak spot of a heavily armed opponent. This is also a calling to players who tend to leave a weak spot in their strategies. If you purposely leave a weak spot (set it as bait) make sure your counter strategy crushes the opponent completely, like water leaving nothing in its path, destroy everything (or at least leave the opponent completely crippled without power or ore). Water always takes the path with the least resistance, be like water.

Scenario: 1v1 p4. Germany vs. Russia, Germany leaves the ore completely undefended, opponent destroys ore. Germany made silos and placed them north of CY, so there is still a reserve of ore to make 6 or 7 more tanks. Meanwhile Germany had rushed russia completely destroying power plants, except for a power plant hidden north of CY.

Both players expected to lose either power or ore, but made extra reserves for each. While the opponent expects to have left you completely crippled, he will concentrate on eliminating all remaining units.

In his book Sun Tzu says: "Whether to concentrate or to divide your troops, must be decided by circumstances. Let your rapidity be that of the wind."

Sun Tzu advises pros to expose all weaknesses. Two PROS may be evenly matched in tanking and building, but what will decide the winner? He who can expose the weaknesses of the other. The one who can make a decision faster than the other and execute it like a Thunderbolt.

Scenario 1: 1v1 Stalled game on P4. Both players are accumulating V2s in the middle, air defenses are in place, MIGS are ready to be launched. After several tries to take south, the game continues to be stalled. Player 1 stops building. He goes to observe the opponent's base and notices that several Construction Yards would be difficult to replace because they are not close to a War Factory. Player 1 maneuvers migs to destroy those Construction Yards, then takes advantage of the time the opponent needs to replace the Construction Yards while he pushes south.

Scenario 2: 1v1 after a failed rush. Player 1 rushes back to the opponent's base to attack. He notices that he concentrates his defense towards the south of his base. Player 1 takes the 12 tanks he has and quickly labels 6 tanks as group '1' and another as group '2'. He directs the second group towards the north of the base, and the defending tanks follow leaving the south exposed. Player 1 pushes group '1' towards the back of the base while group '2' distracts the other tanks.

The faster your decisions are made on the battlefield the higher your chance of success. But that doesn't mean that you should be reckless. Taking some time to assess the situation can make you help a great decision, and it should be executed like Lightning.

You can see a video of Sun Tzu here:


Anonymous said...

Yeah Sun Tzu was indeed a powerful strategist. It's a shame some player's forget to put teslas behind tanks.

Here is a list of all his quotes, Thunder:

FADO Blog said...

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