
Red Alert PRO code of conduct

Red Alert PRO code of conduct is a code that promotes healthy competition amongst players. Red Alert is an adrenaline release for true fans of the game. We don't see it as a waste of time because it satisfies our temporary need of competition and pride. Therefore, recognizing this, we established a code of conduct that will preserve the community's love and respect for the game.

1. If you host a game, maintain an active role as a host. Don't let players wait around too much for a game. If you are to be absent, don't leave without telling the people in your room how long you will be and for what reason.

2. Don't use cheats. If you use cheats, you're sole purpose is to satisfy your hunger of winning. You won't get any experience from winning by using cheats. It is also highly disapproved by most Red Alert players. The only time it would be acceptable is for exeperimental purposes, but even then it's difficult to get away with explaining this.

3. Don't boast about pre-meditated victories. This is making reference to modified maps. Sometimes players join a room not knowing the modified values of the maps, putting them at a huge unknown disadvantage. Fighting on uneven ground is no fun for anyone. Yes, you may win the battle, but is it acceptable to boast about winning over a crippled army? Probably not.

4. Give a reason for leaving in the middle of the game. It is disrespectful not to because a game is a compromise between two players. Have respect for someone else's time by giving them an explanation of why you left in the middle of the game, even if you just type: "Sorry, emergency." Offer a rematch for a later time, but don't damage your reputation in such a childish way.

5. If you are requested to leave because you may cause lag, please do so. That's all we can say. 

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