
[AFO] Allied Build orders

Use these [AFO] Allied Builds to increase your tacticaly abilities. 

Germany - +10% Attack 

Variation #1 - Full Tank Assault

Small power
Small power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
War Factory
War Factory
Advanced Power
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x2)
Medium Tanks (x15+)
Ore trucks (x2)


Standard [AFO] Full Tank build. One of the key things ignored in this build is structure placement. The objective should be to reduce open areas where the enemy can rush through. In other words, a tight build is needed. Infantry should serve one of two purposes: 1. Rush with the tanks or 2. Protect southern most exposed structures. Medium tanks are preferred over light tanks because light tanks have too little defense. Ore refinery is most important building to defend if opponent rushes back.

Variation #2 - Light Tank Rush

Early Deploy
Small Power
Ore Refinery
Sell Barracks
War Factory
War Factory
Small Power
Ore Refinery


Riflemen (x15)
Light tanks (x5)


After your fifth Light Tank, rush your opponent. Head straight for Construction Yard and remember to squish engineers if they're around. Afterwards, kill all remaining power and retreat to your base. Guard your ore refinery, place silos of ore, and accumulate power. Your Construction Yard can be sold after you have sufficient power and ore. Be careful not to take too long. If your opponent manages to build one Tesla before you kill his Construction Yard, be careful because it could mean its over. You will be way behind in ore and tanks because that Tesl will zap your lights away like nothing.

Variation #3 - Allies Build

Small Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
Service Depot
War Factory
Advanced Power
Radar Dome
Sell Radar Dome
Tech Center


Riflemen (x30)
Engineers (x1)
Ore Trucks (x2)
MCV (x3)


A questionable build order for Germany. This strategy works on the principle of deception. Normally, when an opponent anticipates a rush from a German player he tends to build his defenses up to block the rush (ie. Rocket Soldiers, Teslas). While the opponent loses attack power from so many defensive elements, the strategy tries to actually crawl to the opponents base as Germany followed by a volley of medium tanks. By the time you reach the opponents base you will have revealed his well defended base, and while you pressure the attack with turrets and tanks, your partner should follow up with an attack of some sort. Turrets only need 4 CY to be built at max speed. This means that while your max speed building turrets, your opponent mght have 5 or 6 CY deployed and won't match your speed, if he is Soviets.

Variation #4 - Chronosphere Build

Small Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
Service Depot
Sell Service Depot
Advanced Power
Radar Dome
Sell Radar Dome
Tech Center
Sell Tech Center


*Infantry (x30)
Ore Truck (x2)


This is the most direct route to a chronosphere. The reason why the Radar Dome and Tech Center are sold is because of their high power consumption. Since they have been sold you will have no find the place where you wish to chrono using scouts. The Chronosphere should be deployed by the time you have 3 construction Yards. After the Chronosphere is deployed, make a Tech Center again. If you prefer to keep the Tech Center at first, you will lose considerable build time, but also be rewarded with a GPS Satellite.

*Barracks are necessary if you aren't landlocked by your opponent.

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