
[AFO] Soviet Build orders

You can base your build orders on these [AFO] build orders. Change them to what fits your playing style. 

Ukraine - Speed boost is better for tanking.

Variation number 1. FULL TANK ASSAULT

Small Power
Ore refinery
War Factory
War Factory
Advanced Power
War Factory
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot
War Factory
War Factory


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x2)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x15+)


Use your engineers wisely as your defenses for this strategy tend to be much weaker. This strategy however works well if your partner is very well defense oriented. If your rush is working out well, continue tanking. If not, make a spare MCV and deploy in back in case of a counter rush.

Variation number 2. TANKING DECOY TO BUILD

Small Power
Advanced Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot
Tesla Coil
Advance Power
Tesla Coil
Advance Power
War Factory


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x1)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x5)
MCV (x3)

Rush your opponent with 5 heavy tanks to activate his defenses. Use this time to deploy MCV in closes space possible. Pause and Resume the Tesla construction to build at double speed after 1st MCV is deployed. Place Tesla behind structures, not in front, but try to maintain in range.

Variation number 3. PASSIVE TANKING

Small Power
Ore refinery
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot
Advanced Power
War Factory
War Factory
War Factory


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x2)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x15+)
MCV (x1)


After a succesful defense against your opponent, send an MCV to the back of your base. Place a War Factory near it and start making more MCV's while defending the battlefield with Tesla.

Russia - Reduced cost is better for building.

Variation number 1. FULL BUILD

Small Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
Service Depot
War Factory
Advanced Power
Tesla Coil or War Factory
Advanced Power if Tesla Coil, Tesla Coil if War Factory


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x4+)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x0)
MCV (x4+)


This strategy works better when you pressure your opponent.This will give you time to significantly reduce the attack power from his rush if you can take out riflemen with grenadiers or even a Small Power. It's also important to decide if you will defend first before deploying a 3rd War Factory. That's dependent on how fast your opponent attacks you. Usually one Tesla behind any structure works well. Don't forget to make engineers to protect your ally.You'll notice some PROS make 4 or five Tesla Coils and let the engineers handle the rest while they deploy 9 other MCVs in the back of their base.

Variation number 2. BUILD TO TANK

Small Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
Service Depot
War Factory
Advanced Power
War Factory
Ore Refinery
War Factory
War Factory


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x2)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x10)
MCV (x1)


Having 2 Construction Yards means you'll be able to build structures faster, thus consuming your ore faster. In this strategy it's easy to run out of cash so monitor it carefully. USe the tanks to defend your base instead of trading a Tesla for a War Factory. After you have deployed your 2nd MCV continue to make tanks until you have reached your 7th War Factory. At this point you should have a huge mass of tanks, unless you recklessly sent them to your opponent's base or you forgot to make them.

Variation number 3. ACTIVE BUILDING

Small Power
Ore Refinery
War Factory
Service Depot
War Factory
Advanced Power
Tesla Coil
Advanced Power
War Factory
Advance Power (Crawl South)


Riflemen (x30)
Engineer (x4+)
Ore Truck (x2)
Heavy Tank (x0)
MCV (x4+)


The main purpose of this strategy is to be as agressive as possible with the building. Rushing to your opponent's base with power takes more skill than you think. While you rush with Power's, you should bookmark the last tip of your crawl with SPACE + CTRL and then press SPACE to resume your building, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY DEPLOYING MCV'S IN THE BACK IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION. This will clearly augment the speed of Tesla Production by the time you reach your opponent's base.


Anonymous said...

you might want to modify this, you wrote build 2 service depot in this:

Variation number 3. PASSIVE TANKING

Small Power
Ore refinery
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot
Advanced Power
War Factory
War Factory
War Factory
Service Depot

C|Squid__ said...

Thanks to you the blog has been made better.