
Raising Strategy Consciousness

Take the mini RA quiz!

We can say that these kinds of RA players exist:

Strategic Players - Spend more time doing calculated attacks. (lose time)

Furious players - Spend more time doing fast consistent attacks with no focus on organization. (lose strategy)

Use this quiz to help you identify your playing style. Remember it's not possible to be both at the same time, you either value time or attack in the game.

Do you do this? or Do you do that?

a. Drop buildings anywhere they land to get more speed.
b. Drop buildings organizedly to save space.

a. Group tanks as 1 group only for bigger groups.
b. Group tanks as 1 and 2 for tactical advantage. (ie. send one group north, and one south.)

a. Defend base without infantry wall to concentrate on my build order.
b. Defend base with massive infantry, but risk losing a bit of concentration on my build.

a. I let my ore trucks go anywhere, while I concentrate on scouting the map. (Tactical Advantage)
b. I control my ore trucks, don't scatter infantry, but I have more money.

a. I make a backup strategy in case my first doesn't work.
b. I concentrate on one strategy and go as hard as I can.

a. Most of the time I use Paratroopers to destroy unguarded buildings.
b. Most of the time I use Paratroopers to set up a decoy and attack from other side.

a. I defend against Grenadiers with Attack Dogs, for more efectiveness.
b. I defend Grenadiers with Grenadiers to put pressure on opponent.

a. I squish scattered infantry with light tank to open path for incoming infantry.
b. I don't squish scattered infantry so my tanks have more health.

a. When I play with partner I coordinate with him to combine strategies.
b. I don't speak to him. I trust him inherently and I focus on my strategy alone.

a. I kick players who don't respond in the chat so I don't waste people's time.
b. I am respectful to the players absence, because he could be doing something important.

a. I use engineers to heal my bases and lose a little time to manage them.
b. I trade the time I can get from not managing engineers to concentrate on

a. I use super weapons to get a tactical advantage.
b. I don't use super weapons, they're too distracting.

a. I calculate how much ore each thing costs at beginning of game to measure resources.
b. I don't calculate how much ore things cost but I focus on build.

a. I think about what failed in my strategy, and ask for a respectful rematch.
b. I try as many strategies as I can, randomly, hoping to fit the one that 'fits' me.

a. I eat, sleep, and drink Red Alert 1.
b. I eat a healthy diet to focus maximum on Red Alert 1.

Make sure to share in the RA lobby to raise strategy consciousness.

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