
The V2 Rush on P4

Effective against: 2v2 Both Builders 
Useless against: 1v1, Tankers


This strategy is unfavored in 1v1 battles and rarely seen on 2v2 battles. [AFO] developed the strategy to counter double builders. It's one of those special strategies you use when you know both of your opponents are more keen to build than to tank. The strategy requires a strong tanking partner as the tanks will clear other tanks and your V2s will clear defensive structures as well as important structures. The biggest weakness in this strategy is the build time required. Immediately after the first war is built a radar dome follows, instead of another War Factory. Consequently, your defense will be somewhat weak if structures are not placed correctly. It is executed by W+E+R all the V2s to a point in the opponents base where the V2s are in range of attack, but also far away enough to be out of range of flame towers, etc. Not a recommended strategy against Allies because they are more prone to tank rush. The V2 rush focuses on causing heavy damage at start of game.

Build Order

V2 Rush

The V2 Rush build order recommended by [AFO]:

Small Power -> Barracks -> Ore -> War -> Radar dome

Units: Infantry (30) -> Ore Truck (While radar dome is being buit) -> V2s (6+)


The V2 rush has only two variations. One variation optimizes damage, the other variation compensates for lost defense.


V2 Nuke Variation: Collect 6 V2s and place them in range of the opponent's CY and attack. Immediately after destroying it, pull your V2s north and wait for a recharge. In the meantime, use another group of V2s to support your ally in tanking, killing defensive structures.


V2 Box: After building your third war factory, create a service depot and begin to build. By now, the opponent should be damaged by V2s, reducing their production. In this case, when you know your about to lose your V2s its best to destroy the closest war factories. 

Further [AFO] tips

Bookmark your War Factories with W, bookmark the battlefield with R. Deploy your V2s near enemy base and rally them using E. This way you can optimize the output of your V2s and optimize the damage.

To optimize rate of attack, after the third War Factory, make 3 more MCV's and deploy for a total of 4. Make 5 War Factories total and begin to crawl to opponent with power plants. When near the base, begin crawling with Flame Towers. By now, you should be making V2s at maximum speed and rallying them near your flame towers.

Remember to keep your ore in check, build 2 silos and have 2 ore trucks to prevent losing all your money.

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