
Fundamentals of Path Beyond

Three strategies for winning

1. Tank
2. Tank hard
3. Tank really hard

The most exemplary map for tanking and ore management maps. The most basic fundamentals include ore managament of course, tanking ability of course, and strategy. It's mostly about ore management in the end. The following picture displays example build orders that [AFO] recommends for maximum ore:

*note: you should know that players spawn at opposide ends, thus the matching green and yellow lines.

The teal dot is your first power, the pink is your barrack, the red is the ore, and the dark yellow is what you should mine first. The arrow points to the direction you should make your base.

The most common mistake

Players fail to add a credit boost to their economy by clearing the gems first. They are worth twice as much as ore per truck. So cleaning the closest gems first becomes a must even before you mine any ore! The following picture highlights the most popular gem spots!

path beyond
The circles are the gems you should eat first, the lines are the ore you should eat after the gems. 

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