








Certified Members







Official Name: Global Liberation Army

Official Tag : [GL]

Founded: 17 October 2017

Countries of Origin: Australia and Pakistan.

History: Formerly the [W]arriors Clan in 2016, the team grew into the the E|mire Clan in April 2017 and has now evolved into the Global Liberation Army [GL]. Special thanks to Freddy the original founder of the [W] clan and to Muhammad Talha for his contributions to the former Empire Clan.

Clan Goal:
To continually improve our gaming skill and strategy, have fun and develop respect within the Red Alert Community.

Rules of Engagement

1. Respect other Clans and players

2. No religion or politics allowed, we are all 1
3. No hiding or cheating.

-If hiding 1 warning, after that, we will give you our boots
(Please no VPNS).

-If cheating 1 strike is out!    

Requirements to join for n
ew members

*   RTS gaming has to be in your blood-cells

*   Your map knowledge must be on a good level

*   You know how to fight tank battles and you are willing to get better at this
        crucial area of the game; Q!!

* You are prepared to accept friendly advice:)
(Learn to Lose - a vital apart of learning)

Contact a leader or captain if you think you've got what it takes to be part of the [GL]

- You must be approved by a Leader. You will be tested as we are striving to get better and better as a clan.

:[AFO] RA GUIDE certifies the [ GL] clan as an official CnCNet 5 clan.

1 comment:

Claus said...

yoyo guys, the link should work now. ggs