
PRO Skill #0001: Ore Management.

Ore Management

One of the most overlooked elements in any RA game is that of harvesting ore. The trucks are programmed to harvest ore towards the TOP LEFT of an ore patch. The following image demostrates this effect:

* note the green lines represent the direction in which the ore is harvested. The red lines roughly represent the distance they need to drive to dump the ore.

The principle is simple: pick up closest ore and take shortest way back.

Tips for Maximum Ore Harvesting

1. If possible, always place ore refinery closest to the TOP LEFT of the gem patch.

2. After your ore trucks dump the ore and before they pick up ore again, press 's' to reprogram them to pick up the closest ore available without having to click on the ore.

3. If necessary, crawl to the TOP LEFT with silos or power plants to reach the TOP LEFT.

4. Gems are worth twice as much as ore! Place a high priority on harvesting the gems before the ore.

5. Make an ore truck before you make a tank.

6. Make a silo to increase your ore capacity.

7. Avoid harvesting in a diagonal line, see tip #2.

8. To avoid further confusion from Ore Trucks, place two silos right above your Ore Refinery.
Above Ore Refinery

Harvesting in Standard Maps

Structure placement takes priority. You might think you are leaving your base defenseless trying to reach a TOP LEFT corner. The logic is that while your opponent destroys your CY, you are to destroy ALL his tanks thus placing you at 5 or 6 tanks more than your opponent. Normally, by this time, you would have two ore refineries, which is more than enough to 'get by' with a counter attack.

* note the green and yellow represent deploys, the purple is the recommended [AFO] build path, the turquoise represents an alternative path. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Red Alert 1 my truck shows in its bar mostly green but some time red squares. What the red squares mean?