

Recently I've been playing a lot of P4. IT has been for the sake of learning the art of DUAL TANKING. This tactic is a good tactic for players who haven't MASTERED THE ART OF 'Q' because it involves evading tank battles. Of course you have the disadvantage of losing a lot of your tanks as a result of splitting your forces, but it can earn you valuable time while you draw the tanks away after an assault.

DUAL TANKING is assigning TWO INDIVIDUAL groups of tanks. This tactic presents the following benefits:

1. Use one group of tanks as a decoy and the other as an attack force.
2. Manipulate your opponent's tanks by sending one tank group north and another south, after you split their defenses.
3. Confuse your opponent, send one group north to attack CY and another to attack the ORE.

One thing I forgot to say, this tactic requires complete dominance over the following hotkeys:

ctrl, shift, 1, 2, Q, W, E, R

Decoy and Attack

The recipe:

1. Start by cracking open with a tank group of about 6 tanks.

2. Label them group 1 and start stirring them in the center of the map.

3. Quickly (very quickly) select three tanks and label them group 2.

4. Pour your tank group over the opponent's base at the same time, one group attacking north and the other south.

Additional Observations

- Use the decoy tanks to help open up your opponent's defenses and let your ally come forward to attack.


Red Alert: Ford said...

A very good and very underrated tactic. I've started using this more often on multiple maps becuase plays don't expect it and/or don't know how to deal with multiple threats.

C|Squid__ said...

Precisely the threat perceived. It's very difficult to move at a faster rate than your opponent when he knows his next 10 moves and has many escape routes. I wouldn't know what to do except have a solid defense north with my armored tanks south.

Anonymous said...

This can be invaluable on an open map (like Arena) if you're building against a slower or more defensive player.
