
What does the Computer Player do right?

old computer
The computer player in RA

While the Computer player is mediocre at best, there are still some things the computer does right. Let's get started right away and let's remember we're talking about computer tactics.

You in RA

Massive Infantry

The Computer player is correct in spamming base with infantry, rocket soldiers, grenadiers, etc. and to top it all off they are all placed in 'Guard Mode'. That's right, pressing a simple key will prevent you from having to scroll back and make your infantry defend manually. Infantry also assist when the computer launches an attack. During the attack they destroy what is nearest to them that inflicts damage. Most of the time these are defensive structures and other times they are units. If neither are present, the Computer makes the infantry attack the nearest structure.

Automated Defensive Buildings

The Computer doesn't let anything get pass it's defenses with full health. The Computer player's Tesla coils, Flame towers, Turrest, Pillboxes will attack any unit (of course) and it will attack any structure that comes in range. This is something many players forget to do manually. It requires precision to select the defensive structure and it takes speed to select the target structure. So many times, players scroll through the map without attacking the opponent's structures that are in range of their Tesla coils, Flame towers, etc. Remember that the Computer player doesn't let anybody pass for free. You should always attack structures that are in range. It's a free kill.

Restless MIGs

So many times players make airfield packs and forget to use them. The computer player doesn't always pick the best target for MIGs, but a human player is capable of selecting the best target, a proper tactical target. MIGs are not specifically made to kill MCVs or ore refineries. Use them to attack ships, tanks, teslas and even SAM sites. PRO players keep MIGs on standby at all times by assigning them to groups 3 and 4 (groups 1 and 2 are reserved for tanks and infantry in respective oreder) because they know you can't possible defend your entire base with SAMs or Rocketmen, and they always come in handy as backup for tanks. The moment they see an unguarded power plant they make good use of their MIG packs. The computer might not be good at choosing a target very well, but at least it keeps it's MIGs active.

These are 3 things the computer does right in RA. Remember these tips and improve your RA game.

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