
Super PRO Strategy Revealed

[AFO] has closely been observing recent PRO matches and here are some of the conclusions we've come to:

a. Players are much more aggresive when using units. They push units forward and destroy everything in range, this takes about half a milli second (clicking on undefended wars and power plants with 20 v2s).

b. Engineer management has been much more effective. It's so difficult to run someone over their base when they've locked engineers behind silos or when they are simply scattered.

c. Rushes are much more effective. Rushing is normally a strategy to cripple the opponent permanently. However, recently there have been many PROS rushing to destroy War Factories and retreating. This is a really great tactical move because it allows you to stockpile tanks at a faster rate than your opponent, eventually outproducing him and therefore winning the game.

d. Air attacks are more easily thwarted. Players have noticed that while you're opponent may have a huge fleet of MIGs, it takes time to build. Early detection of an Air Assault is thwarted by players making millions of rocketmen while the other player makes MIGs. By the time you get your MIGs out, the opponent's air defense is solid. Now you have to maneuver MIGs, and that reduces your focus on the frontlines.

e. Early deploys are turning into deadly strategies. Late deploys or even Mid deploys are actually now seen as very passive strategies. This is what the post is about.

Let's continue to the new Super PRO Strategy. Which is a strategy for FRONT players.

We'll divide the strategy into 4 Stages:

1. First stage - Semi Early Deploy

2. Second stage - Riflemen Spam

3. Third Stage - 5 Tank Rush

4. Fourth Stage - 4 CY deploy, Tesla Defense

First Stage - Semi Early Deploy

Start with just enough space to deploy a small power, a barrack, another small power and finally an ore refinery.

Preserve as many units as possible, they will serve as defense in south. This strategy is well combined with a partner who launches Grenadiers. In this way, the opponent's riflemen count is significantly reduced.

Third Stage - 5 Tank Rush Some players go with 3, this might be too reckless. Charge through the opponent's base causing distraction. Draw all his units to the back of the base if possible. The most effective building to destroy is the Ore Refinery because usually the Construction Yard is well defended. If it is left undefended, kill it. If you see engineers everywhere, kill the ore truck.

Fourth Stage - 4 CY deploy, Tesla Defense This stage is not concrete. You may need to change to more CYs you may need to change to V2s, but this stage in particular is a response to a retaliation from the opponent. 4 CYs allow maximum speed Advanced Power Plants, with 5 or 6 you can have 4 Tesla Coils. After your 4th MCV and 4th Tesla Coil start making tanks. You need to return the attack as soon as the opponents forces evaporate. After your 4th Tesla Coil, keep making War Factories.

*Special Note: Ore is crucial! Make an ore truck and a silo after your 5th Heavy Tank. These are the guidelines to the new Super PRO strategy. You should customize them to fit your playing style. The best resolution is the smallest, as it allows for faster structure deployment. Leave comments and feedback for the other RA players to see.

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