
Ribbon Reloaded V1.1

A true genuine challenge first finished by RAM-Yuzgen master of all challenges on a hard difficulty, made some modifications to suite all type of players and reduced difficulty and made some adjustments that are below.

Change Log:

  • Removed way too many subs and destroyers to allow you to build your naval freely.
  • Reworked Migs.
  • Reworked map layout due to some bugs in it.
  • Difficulty and timers reduced.

To Acquire the map simply click on the link it will automatically redirect you to google drive so you can start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:

Then restart the client to get the map.

Download Link:Click here to download

Would like to thank you continuous support and would like to thank all testers, do comment below any ideas and thoughts :).



Ribbon Reloaded V1.0 ( Defense )

To all, you ribbon lovers, a hardcore version of ribbon defense that might probably make you want to pull your hair out very satisfying and challenging and full of surprises and will make you build and use every single unit of this game and every aspect and reflex and strategy you might pull off.

I will not say the content and waves and units of the map I will leave you to discover it by yourself but what I am gonna share is:

  • The map has GPS ( kept it for the sake of difficulty of the map )
  • It is covered with GAP's most of it.
  • Deploy and build power ASAP for the timer to show properly and keep track of it.
  • Missle silo and any Aircraft building are prohibited.
  • The use of Chrono is allowed.
  • Yellow color must be chosen.
  • The map can be played as Germany or Russia.
  • The map contains Sonar Pulse.
Testers are welcome to share their opinions and I am open to new ideas, try to make the most out of it and share your experience in a video or leave it as a comment in the comment section.

To Acquire the map simply click on the link it will automatically redirect you to google drive so you can start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:

Link:Click Here to Download

Cheers and happy defending :)!


Observation on Ore trucks and controlling them.

I know this has been discussed many times over the years about how to manage your ore trucks and there are many guides and documentation to back it up, but this observation is a little bit different I've noticed it during my map creations.

We all know how annoying it is to drive your truck to nearest ore patches and managing it in the beginning of the game or using " S " to make it collect from nearest ore patches which can make you lose at least 5% of your focus and map awareness and slow you down by 5% on scouting, producing and keeping up with your scouts and defending entrances against them as we all know that every second in pro matches counts and makes the difference.

Now let us talk about how the truck collects ore, for example in ribbon on the right side the truck tends to collect in a square are and forms an empty square of 3-4 cells then goes back to one of those empty cells and sets it as a waypoint and starts moving and collecting diagonally and does not sit on one patch but instead it keeps moving till the diagonal line ends then picks up another eaten square and does the same and on the left side it tends to collect randomly unless guided and does the same movement, a truck capacity on collecting ore is 7 squares as you can notice it under the truck and they get filled whenever he picks up gems or ore.

Now what is the observation, I've noticed that whenever the truck 7 cells are full he goes back to dump the ore into the ref and once it dumps the ore into the ref it goes back to collect from the same patch he last collected from, for example, let's say that the numbers are the ore:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10   for every number fills up a cell in the truck so he diagonally goes 1>2>3>4>5>6>7 and stops and goes back to ref to unload then go back the waypoint 8>9>10 it is like it has a written path how to collect ore on waypoints that we cannot understand or modify but luckily every single person has figured out a way to work around it.

Now what can we do about it? I know it is annoying at least at the start of the game, is whenever the truck goes on a square patch or round one, and collects diagonally when it fills its 5-6 cells stop him and let him collect from nearest ore to your ref and where it's not eaten yet from the borders as demonstrated below, do not point him so somewhere he already started collecting from or you will face the same problem.

Here is the GIF:

As you can see above how the truck naturally changed its collecting habit unlike you driving him everytime each 1-2 minute, it will collect 90% of the patch before it ever moves to the other one which obviously gives you enough time to manage everything you need before you jump to another truck or ref.

Bonus clip how to make a truck dump its ore from the back of the ref basically useless but still good to know:

Let us know what you think about this guide and observation in the comment box :)

Cheers and happy reading!


The Great Wall Of HJK V1.1

For all you HJK lovers today i release you an HJK defense map, it is hard indeed but at least feels like a great challenge for how much big the map is while you get the choice to move freely openly at any spot or position.

Originally the map was designed to be a Capture The Flag game ( cousinleigh idea ) where you have to run into the AI base capture the flag and run back home with it, it could have been a great idea/experience but due the lack of setting flag settings in the editor the idea became obsolete so i had to turn it into another defense map.

Map Info and Settings:

  • Map name " The Great Wall Of HJK V1.1 ".
  • Difficulty Hard.
  • Contains 5 Waves.
  • Starting Position Top Right.
  • AI Location Bottom Left.
  • Objective is to kill AI CY
  • Added Sounds at each wave start.


  • Wave 1 is a set of 3 Heavy Tanks.
  • Wave 2 is a reinforcement of 3 additional Heavy Tanks.
  • Wave 3 is a set of 4 Mammoth Tanks.
  • Wave 4 is a set of 9 Migs.
  • Wave 5 is a set of 2 V2's.


  • You may start with 100K For a good start, altho i feel 50K is fairly enough and 10K if you're going PRO mode.
  • Any types of AIR units or Airfields is forbidden resultant of auto lose.
  • Building Chronosphere or Missile Silo's is forbidden as well.
  • Obviously do not try to fool the AI, exploiting him etc cause you will miss the point of playing the map.
  • Do not build / block where the tanks spawn obviously you  might bug the game.
  • Color mus be set to YELLOW

I think it is a great chance for Average/Pro HJK players to practice their building / tanking skills on this map and for fresh HJK players who does not know the map a great chance to start to get into it maybe we might see more HJK games instead of regular sticky maps.

I would like to thank all the players who helped me test the map and made the effort to finish it:

  • Cousinleigh - Finished it in beta mode, Test mode, and Pre-release 1.
  • [Commander-TA] Finished in beta mode ( no tanks of course )
  • ORA-Blitz Finished in beta mode ( tanking throughout the second wave )
  • RAM-Yuzgen Finished in Pre-release 1.
Any new ideas and necessary modifications are welcome, make sure to post bugs of the maps if you ever find any and don't forget to post your video in the comment section upon finishing it and make sure to leave your review on the map. I am not really sure that i will be making any modification into this map yet but we will see.

To Acquire the map simply click on the link it will automatically redirect you to google drive so you can start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:


Link: Click here to download

Note: For people who has this map before it was released here you may delete the old ones to avoid any conflict between the versions by navigating to the following directory :

C:\Games\CnCNet\RedAlert1_Online\Maps and searching for HJK and deleting all maps that has the title HJK don't worry the original HJK map will not be deleted cause it does not have the same file name.



Arena Challenge Version 2.1

Updated the Challenge.


  • AI has now 0 IQ
  • Fixed Triggers and Timers
  • Fixed bugs.

LinkClick here to download.

To Acquire the map simply click on the link it will automatically redirect you to google drive so you can start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:

Kudos for [Commander-TA] for keeping it up and trying his best to finish the challenge in one of the most challenging ways possible.



Arena Challenge Version 2.0 ( Hard )

Hey guys i'm back with another update of the Arena Challenge i think it is the most stable one! Although you might encounter some bugs yet please make sure to report them in the comment section or by messaging me in CnCnet.


  • Whenever you finish the mission now it says mission complete!
  • Now each wave spawns from a different location on a different timer.
  • Added v2's.
  • Upon building Airfield or Helipad you automatically lose ( Mission Failed )
  • Added some Tesla's for the early v2 Rush ( Like seriously have you even tried to challenge yourself)
  • Waypoints are now more organized and the tanks will stutter less and most likely will not get stuck.
  • Fixed some triggers and TeamTypes and Timers to suit the challenge.
  • The AI will now Hunt you whenever you expand Left or Right.
  • Lowered the difficulty by increasing the spawn time.
  • Challenge is a little easier with new settings.

Objective and Rules:

  • Destroy the AI MCV
  • Defend you base
  • Build/Tank your way towards the AI
  • Color must be set to YELLOW
  • Dominate the map (By dominating more spots the AI will tend to split and follow you which makes it harder for you)
  • Multiple players can Team Up for the challenge but make sure to select teams before you jump into the game cause it is not possible to ally during the game.
  • Money start at 10K ( Unless you feel it is too hard for you )

Some worth info and tips to be shared:

  • Do not make a barracks cause already a GPS is set.
  • Try to manage your ore before the next wave starts it definitely help.
  • Make sure to mix building with tanking as it can help vs the V2's.


  1. You may be able to finish the challenge as fast as possible within a low time, infinite money, or even tricking the AI by exploiting or in some way to make him stuck, but the point if it is taking it up to full potential by expanding tanking building and not aiming for the win remember we play for fun and building up our skills, it is like a Player rushing another Player just to win him and not by challenging himself to win in different strategies and building up his skills. In the end this map is designed for you and only for you to enjoy and and build up your skills there is no win/lose status here just player development and more introduction to map.
  2. As you may see in the videos posted below there were different tactics used like for me i wanted to test my skills to the extreme i tried expanding and dominating the whole map which made it harder for me to manage everything, as in for Commander he have done it without a single tank which is still pretty hard to defeat countless waves by only making teslas and watching out for powers and ore and for cousinleigh well he needs to upload is video to understand his different build technique.

Later versions of the Challenge later will be posted ( Easy Mode ). Make sure to comment on what changes you'd like to see or any new features and suggestions.

To Acquire the map simply click on the links it will automatically start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:

Restart CnCnet and host your game up.
Arena Challenge Hard Stable Release:Click Here To Download

Here are some videos of players that have finished different challenges in different test interval modes( Which was still harder at some points ), post yours upon finishing in the comments to add it to the list:

Finally I would like to thank all the players that played and finished the map and made tests so far and gave many suggestions and contributed such as [Commander-TA] cousinleigh cousinclaus and many others. And a special thanks to InaniaAiX3 for contributing in Triggers and TeamTypes and handing out some new ideas to help balance the challenge and make it more stable and for spending so much time for it.

Enjoy your challenging practice and make sure to post some comments about the content.

Cheers and happy practicing.


Arena Defense Practice / Challenge

A lot of players these days tend to play the Arena map, but few have mastered their skills over the time and for the ones who are still developing their skills face one of the most common problems in location 3 which is ore management at the start. Location 3 can be a pain in the ass for a builder vs a tanker to manage his ore and defend a tanker rush especially with many entrances to protect his ore and his buildings.

Whether you are a beginner, novice pro, tanker, builder or a hybrid player and you are willing to work on your skills on the arena map or to face a challenge then this post is just for you!

A little info about the challenge:

You start at the position 3 you have 8 minutes before the attack commences to prepare yourself, basically that's how much time a builder needs to build his essential build and a little extra minute, the map is more than just a defense its almost a somehow a simulator to a real average tanker that's shifts constantly and the time intervals are somehow exact on how that tanker would expand and take time to make extra wars and refs.

Once it begins it starts to shift 3 heavy tanks from position 1 to your position for 8 minutes then it starts spawning 6 heavy tanks instead of 3, and after another 8 minutes you will be facing each wave 6 heavy tanks and 4 V2's. In between the 8 minutes periods you will need to hold the first wave, once your base is secured you need to expand and prepare yourself to double the trouble.

The objective is to destroy the AI MCV ( No air units allowed obviously ) either by tanking or building. Some of the pro players (Tankers and Builders) have tested the map in DEMO version, I've got some nice comments on it and made little modification by adding the V2's as some players requested to make it a little more challenging although the DEMO version without the V2's will still be available.

The purpose behind this map is to enhance your building skills, reflexes, expanding while tanking, defending and ore managing from this specific location. Yes, it is not easy but within time you will find yourself with much better speed reflexes and good tactics to defend yourself and manage your ore and at the same time gaining skills, although the AI is not quite easy as some people think as its a normal defense map, no the AI is much more smarter than that, it might sit on your ore target your trucks and even do a split push just wait and see :)

To Acquire the map simply click on the links it will automatically start downloading the map, once the map is downloaded simply place into your Maps\Defense folder by default is:

Restart CnCnet and host your game up.
The Tanks without V2 version is called Arena Defense DEMO
And the one containing the V2's is called Defense Arena V2.0
Download demo version without any v2's : Here
Download the stable version including the V2's : Here


There will be other versions from different positions maybe different units based on the player's reviews and there will be one's with only tanks where you have to Q your way up to enhance your shifting and tanking skills on the map and try to make use of every inch of it.

Would like to thank FlunkyFluke for his help on the creation of the DEMO map and taught me some basics so i could modify in the second version and cousinleigh for the idea to make it happen.

Cheers and happy practicing.